
Kaylee Bogunovich 
Elements of 4D, Time 
4D foundations 
Elements of 4D: Time 
    Topography, light, movement, and sound, are the base for any time based media. Hight, width, and depth are created in 4D art by using time. Time is described using the 4th dimension, and can be used by artists are designers to create artwork that represents our existence. One of the several types of time based media would be measured time, also known as actual, clock, or objective time. This type of time, like the name suggests, can be measured. Christian Marclay's 24 hour artwork The Clock is a great example of a work that takes advantage of this type of time. Along with measured time, running time refers to the amount of time an artwork lasts. Running time and the actual story do not need to match up perfectly, a movie about the Civil war might last only two hours, however the actual civil war lasted way longer than two hours. 
       Experienced time, also known as psychological, or perceived time, is the amount of time that a viewer perceives as passing. an emotion a person feels might affect how much time feels like passed. if a video is only two minutes long, but at the same time is boring, it could feel like 10 minutes have passed. Biological time refers how a person feels or is biologically in the moment; if they are hungry, tired, or bored. The last category of time would be digital time, which is usually measured in milliseconds and has to do with technology. this type of time based media might be how long it takes a webpage to load, or the time a battery has left. it creates a hyper awareness of time. another element of time would be architecture or typography. the purpose of this element of time would be to control the person's environment. 


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