Project 1_Scout

 As I was walking around gathering photos for my project, I got this video of the stone fish. I really like this video for the stillness of the fish and how it complements the flowing water coming out from their mouths. I like the directional curve that the fish create, and how it drags your eyes from the left to the right of the screen.

When starting my storyboard template, I knew that I wanted it to feel similar to the ways that I typically approach art since 4D is very unfamiliar for me. I started with the idea "consumption", which is meant to represent how I have a tendency to overwork myself and become "consumed" in my work.

I wanted to include elements like the gradual distortion of the clock-eventually snapping back to normal, painting, shadows, overlapping, and driving and ticking sound effects. 

After starting my project in premiere, I faced several issues right off the bat. Firstly, I realized that I am not very tech savvy, so I had a lot of difficulty being able to understand the controls. Secondly, I realized that my editing power is still fairly limited in the app so I need to retake some videos. Thirdly, I found myself drifting away from my original plan-which is fine-but it also means that I need to rethink the entirety of its format. 

I spent most of my time this week working with the arrangement of my videos alongside with the audio. I tried to play around with the formatting and layout to match up the audio and the transitions between each video. I am having a lot of fun playing around with transitions and video effects, trying various techniques in order to achieve my desired effect. After doing the video art appreciation assignment, I learned how important the audible and visual aspects are to the end result as well as the audience.

    After completing Project 1, I can safely say that I went in a different direction than I originally planned in my storyboards, but I kept a lot of similar elements. The car and the painting were both in my original storyboard and I am really glad that I kept them in. I'm really proud of my project and I learned a lot about video formatting and editing.

Youtube Link:


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