

I have decided to do my project over how the loss of habitats can lead to more disease (and pandemics). because of more human interaction with animals that carry Zoonotic diseases. 



national library of medicine . (2020, April 8). 

Johnson, C. et al. Global shifts in mammalian population trends reveal key predictors of virus spillover risk. Proc biol science, 287(1924): 20192736. Retrieved November 3, 2022,


Zoonotic diseases are diseases that originate in mammals. 

Coronavirus is a Zoonotic disease, with all strands coming from either a bat, mice, or domesticated animal. 

as more and more habitats are destroyed, animals are pushed to where people are. animals like bats, mice, and other rodents are at high risk for spreading zoonotic disease. 

The popular song I found was a guitar version of Taylor Swift's "State of Grace"

One of the transitions I used in my project would be to make the words pop up from the bottom and bounce. I did this by first covering the words up by copying the background (which is what the green bar is). I have the text move up, then bounce back, and then it does that a few more times. whenever it bounces up and back down, I stretch out or compress the scale of the words to make them look more "bouncy". 



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