Project 3_Zoey Pierce


The most significant negative consequences of Urban Heat Islands (UHI) are related to increased temperatures in urban territories, significantly higher risks of heat waves and their effects (including increased mortality and morbidity of urban inhabitants), human discomfort, increased energy consumption during summer time (although reduced during winters), impaired air and water quality (Gartland, 2010) and other adverse impacts (Hsieh and Huang, 2016). Heat waves are a major risk factor of UHI as they can affect human health, resulting in exhaustion, dehydration, circulatory disorders, and potential death (Gartland, 2010, Wolf et al., 2009, Buchin et al., 2016). Heat waves primarily pose a danger to vulnerable individuals, such as elderly people, the very young, those with social or physical impairments, or those unable to afford mitigation measures (such as air conditioning) (Rebetez et al., 2009).

Filho, W.L., Icazabz, L.E., Nehtcz, A., Klavinsd, M., & Morgan, E.A. (2018). Coping with the impacts of urban heat islands. A literature based study on understanding urban heat vulnerability and the need for resilience in cities in a global climate change context. Journal of cleaner production, 171, 1140-1149.

Song: Blood // Water by Grandson


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