Project 3_Scout



Evangelos Danopoulos., Jenner, L.C., Twiddy, M., & Rotchell, J.M. (2020). Microplastic Contamination of Seafood Intended for Human Consumption: A Systemic Review and Meta-Analysis. Environmental Health Perspectives. 128(12), 1.


Sleepwalk- Deftones


Microplastic Contamination of Seafood

Microplastics (MPs) are broadly defined as synthetic polymeric particles.

MPs are diverse, originating from the wide variety of plastics produced for household products, construction material, and industrial applications.

Human exposure is suggest to be principally via ingestion and inhalation.

MPs are ubiquitous in the environment, with marine environments especially affect owing to the amount of plastic waste they receive.

The degradation of plastic waste in the sea is the major source of MP contamination.

Overtime, MPs have contaminated all compartments of marine ecosystems, including bivalves, crustaceans, fish, and mammals.

MPs have been found in various parts of organisms such as the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, liver, gills, and flesh.

Food safety is managed in terms of hazards and risk analysis, where hazards are classified into three categories according to their potential to cause a health effect: biological, chemical, and physical.

The MP health effects that are currently under consideration include all three categories.

The contamination of food intended for human consumption, with this emerging risk and the possible effects on health, has raised concern in the scientific community.

There is a growing body of evidence regarding effects in aquatic animals, but health effects on humans are still unclear.

There is a clear need to address this emerging risk and promptly implement mitigation strategies for the protection of the environment and human health.

For the effects and transitions, I used cross dissolve, dip to black, and nonadditive dissolve.

For the keyframes, I messed with the opacity, scale, and the translations up and down and left to right. Playing around with different fonts and colours to add visual interest.


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