Project 3_Lexie Lawson


"Secondary forests and grasslands surrounding villages were sources of fuel woods and roofing materials. However, these are less used than previously due to the fuel revolution and changes in architectural styles. Moreover, the amount of abandoned cultivated land has increased due to the increase in food imports and changes in the eating habits of the population. The cultivated paddy field area in Japan has decreased from 3.4 million ha in 1969 to 2.4 million ha in 2018 (MAFF 2021), and the abandoned cultivated farmland area was estimated to be 423,000 ha in 2015 (MAFF 2020). As a result, the Satoyama have changed due to vegetation succession. Many species that used to inhabit these areas have been classified as endangered (Washitani 2001). Agriculture and biodiversity are not trade-offs, and sustainable agricultural practices are required to maintain biodiversity, and biodiversity is required to maintain sustainable agriculture."
Page 2 PDF
Natuhara, Y. (2021, July 23) Conservation of endangered species in Japan’s agroecosystems: focusing on specified class II nationally rare species of wild fauna/flora. Springer, 18, 309-320. 

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WIP Screenshot- editing process

Finished Screenshot, before exporting.

For my editing I used many different transitions. I adjusted the opacity to make it look like the words fade in and out. I made them move around the screen and spin and adjusted the sizes to make it appear larger and smaller. 


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