Project 3_Corbin Trosper

Hurricane Katrina is arguably the most destructive natural disaster ever to strike the United States. The 2005 storm killed nearly 2,000 people and destroyed more than 200,000 homes. Property damage was estimated to exceed $100 billion. The population of New Orleans plummeted and has not returned to its pre-hurricane levels. Parts of the city have never been rebuilt. Despite the magnitude of the disaster, remarkably little is known about its long-term ramifications for the victims. To date, the research on Hurricane Katrina victims has focused primarily on their immediate mobility patterns and the impact of Katrina evacuees on surrounding areas


Deryugina, T., Kawano, L., & Levitt, S. (2018). The economic impact of hurricane Katrina on its victims. American Economic Association, 10(2), 202-233.

Gotye, somebody that i used to know, instrumental

Edit: Nirvana, Something in the Way- Much more sad and appealing to my topic 

Important word transitions: “Hurricane Katrina” each time it is shown it has the same effect/transition on the word, they shake on screen and each individual letter fade to disappear. A black screen fades to a dull white-blue. then we have “is arguably” come from the right and move left, “the,” pops in small and “MOST Destructive” slams down beside it, “2,000 people”, bounces up and down before the letters fall over like dominos, “destroyed more than 200,000 homes,” comes from the right and each words shakes and falls close to the left side before going off screen. “100 billion” rises at an angle, “population of New Orleans plummeted“ goes down at a similar angle. “Pre Hurricane levels” has an animation that makes it look like something sinking inside of water. “Magnitude” expands like a balloon, ‘Mobility patterns,” bounces up and down like walking. 

It is IMPORTANT AND CRUCIAL, that each of these transitions are smooth and slow, to keep up with the pace of the song. It’s going to be a while but oh well.

during this project I used many different opacity changes, and along with that I played with shadows of words, color corrections, a simulated slow lightning strike background, dip to black, dip to white, fade to black, resizing, rotation, placement, and many other attempts at animations I am not entirely used to. It was a difficult challenge trying to give words emotion while sticking to solid colors, I wish I would have been allowed to include a dark ocean background to help add to the emotion but overall, with what materials and time I have, I am proud of the finished product.


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