Project 3_Charlene Gilbert


  • Schraufnagel, D. E., Balmes, J. R., Cowl, C. T., De Matteis, S., Jung, S., Mortimer, K., Perez-Padilla, R., Rice, M. B., Riojas-Rodriguez, H., Sood, A., Thurston, G. D., To, T., Vanker, A., & Wuebbles, D. J. (2019). Air pollution and noncommunicable diseases A review by the forum of international respiratory societies' environmental committee, part 2: Air pollution and organ systems. Chest, 155(2), 417-426.
Although air pollution is well known to be harmful to the lung and airways, it can also damage most other organ systems of the body.
Environmental exposures may increase the risk of autoimmune diseases.
Particulate air pollution has been strongly associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease mortality, myocardial infarction, stroke, and hospital admission for congestive heart failure...
Air pollution has deleterious effects on the CNS, including impairment of cognitive function and increased risk of dementia and stroke in older adults.
Air pollution exposure is implicated in both the incidence and mortality of bladder cancer.
Air pollution has deleterious effects on the CNS, including impairment of cognitive function and increased risk of dementia and stroke in older adults.
The kidney, a highly vascular organ, is vulnerable to both large and small vessel dysfunction and is therefore likely to be susceptible to the oxidative stress and systemic inflammatory effects of air pollution exposure. 
The good news is that the problem of air pollution can be addressed and ameliorated.

My song choice is "Clarity" by Zedd.

I used opacity and I made the words move side to side. I also used some transitions for the words. I made the words different colors to make each one of them stand out.


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