

The idea behind my project, like my first one, is based around mental illness awareness. This project, unlike the last one, is based on psychosis and overstimulation. I have struggled with mental disability ever since my early teens, including beginning to hear voices at 16. Not many videos are able to show how it feels to hear voices. It becomes overwhelming to even preform everyday tasks and go about your day, which is what my project is meant to portray. The beginning of the video starts out relatively organized, however as the video (day) goes on, everything becomes more and more overwhelming. The person in the video is looking on drained the entire time, which is based on my personal experiences with psychosis (instead of how popular media portrays people with psychosis, which is usually aggressive).  the voices are also relatively random or commanding depending on what the person is doing. by the end of the video everything is one big mashup of voices and sound, along with overstimulating colour and visuals. this directly represents overstimulation, and how the person is barley reacting to anything. the Character's lack of reaction are to show two things: how even though all of this is happening, we are still expected to go on throughout our day, and secondly a psychotic symptom which can make it hard to display emotions. I cannot remember the name for it. Although this video has been complicated to make for my skill level, I am happy with what I have so far. 


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