Elemets of 4D_AundreJohnson

Movement is imporntant to any 4D work. It refers to a way camera shifts to visually narrate and shapes 
the viewer's perspective of the scene. It leads the veiwer's eyes in one direction. It shift's in the location of
a object, light, or sound. Different types of movement in film could create an emotional effection in the viewer's perspective. Oppositional movement contrasts with a clash of forces that lead the veiwer's eye in a different direction. The examples of types of movement in film are pan, tilt, push in, and pull out. It's aslo a filmaking technique that causes a change in frame or the viewers perspective through movement.

"Zoom" in Spiderman 3 
This scene in Spiderman 3 features a zoom shot. I like this zoom shot in this scene where the camera get's real close and as it slowly zoom's back out , so that you can get a good glance at the new suit.


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