Elements_of_4D_ Lexie

Electronic Super Highway by Nam June Paik

        This artwork features tv's within every state within the united states. Showing us a glimpse of various states calling people to the open road at the time of its creation. It introduces many different elements of 4D art with its use of various technology to the visuals that vary frequently. The colors are meant to represent the differences in cultures that vary as you cross the states. The flashing visuals show us glimpses of the past of how each state was advertising the roads. There is a unique depth to this piece with many parts making it all come together.
    I chose this work for it's colorful environment and enticing visuals. I love the fact that so much technology, especially older technology is being used in various ways. The design of this model has a lot of technology wired and coded to work properly for this instillation. I was drawn to it's craftmanship and the effort it would take to create a work like this.  

    Sound art can be interpreted in many ways. Weather the work is just sounds with imagery or holds a more interactive approach. There are many possible ways to create sound art. It is made to be heard just as much as it is to be seen. Sound comes from everything around us. The way we talk, when we breath, even simply walking all makes sound. There are computer sounds, natural sounds, and sounds to still be created. Music contains all kinds of sound art that is appreciated by people all around the globe. 
The work I chose is by Anders Lind and Ulla Karlsson. It is an interactive art exhibit called "Skogen" which translates to "The Forest" showcased in a Swedish Museum, called Norrlandsoperan. It made its debut in 2019 and has a very nice premise. You play different sounds by hovering your hand over the lingonberries. The sound varies depending on what berry and how close your hand is. I think this work is a brilliant showcase because of its intractability and craftmanship. It makes me question how it knows how close your hand is. It plays beautifully and I like how it captures attention.  

    Movement in art is able to add an extra layer of depth and provide interesting information to a piece. It changes the way the work is viewed and is able to be expressive depending on how it's used. You can show movement within objects, or even keep them still to convey different messages of moving figures. Weather you want to lead the viewers eye with successional movement or lead it elsewhere with a contrasting oppositional movement. Movement gives an artwork more character and conveys more than just art. 
    The work I chose is called "Shakin' off the Blues" by Iris Scott. This work conveys an active movement, where you can almost tell the environment. The different blue hues almost look like water, and the active movement of the dog shakes it around. I like the central focus being on the dog, with the blue shades accenting the movement provided. There is almost a stillness in the water below it, conveying less motion than the rest of the piece. I enjoy this works composition and active movement as your eye is nicely guided throughout the piece. 


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