Elements of 4D_Zaya Duncan

In the article time is described as an element that describes height, width, and depth. It's the progression of plot from past, to present to future. There are a lot of components that build up the factor of time. One component is Measured time which is time kept track regularly throughout reoccurring events or intervals. Another component is experienced time which is a person's perception of how much time has passed. The next component is running time which is explained as how long the video is actually. Another component talked about is biological time which is how fast or slow time seems to pass when there are other variables in the equation such as being tired, hungry, etc. The final component is digital time which is time being measured by technology.

Biological clock 
I like this piece because it has a lot of symbolism in it. For instance, the hourglass in place of the skull represents that everyone has an hourglass and we're running on borrowed time. The skeleton is also entangled in the red substance meaning that no matter what we do we can't escape it.


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