Elements of 4D_LeoCline

 Movement within art is meant to be dynamic. Movement can be controlled by lighting, shape, or even sound. Things like shape, space, levels of space, balance, energy dynamics, weight, and gestures all affect movement within art. There are two types of movement in art. Successional movement is used to lead the viewers eye in a specific direction. Oppositional movement contrasts successional movement because of how is clashes with force to bring the eye to a different point within a work of art.

I chose Van Gogh's Starry Night because I love the way the wind appears to moving like a nice and slow breeze. The cool colors within this work of art allows the viewers eyes to relax and move all over the piece. I enjoy looking at it because if you stare at this work for a short amount of time, you can almost see the movement of the wind.


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