Elements of 4D_Declan Murphy


The fourth dimension is known as time, and it can alter the way we see the first three dimensions (height, weight, and depth). There are several different kinds of time. Measured time is what we typically see as time--seconds, minutes, hours passing our real world. Experienced time is that which we perceive passing. Running time is the length of a work of fourth dimensional art. Biological time is how our bodies perceive time--necessary for functions like sleep and hunger. Digital time passes on the internet or within technology.

Yayoi Kusama's Obliteration Room begun as a blank, white room and over the course of a few weeks, guests were invited in and given colorful dot stickers to put anywhere. This artwork exhibits measured time, as it happened over the course of real time. It also exhibits experienced time for those who set it up and stayed throughout the weeks. This can also be running time, as the art itself is the time it took to create it.
I really like this piece, as you can analyze the participants' thought processes about deciding on the places in which their stickers should go. Additionally, I love the idea of an artwork created by the small efforts of many people.


Sound is series of vibrations that our ears perceive and that our brain interprets into meaning. Silence is the lack of sound, though it is impossible to truly experience. A sound consists of its attack, its sustain, and its decay. Synchronous sounds match up to a visual being shown, whereas nonsynchronous sounds do not have a visual to match up to. Asynchronous sounds have visuals that they could match up to, but as purposefully offset so they do not match. A sound bridge is a sound that continues between multiple shots, helping the scene(s) feel fluid. Diegetic sounds can be heard within the story, by the characters, whereas non-diegetic sounds cannot and rather are for the audience alone.


The music video for Sarah Kinsley's song "What Was Mine" exhibits several factors of sound art. Before the music begins, the video is accompanied by exaggerated synchronous sounds. Even as the music plays, though, the movements of the people go along well with the sound. If you consider the song one big sound, the attack is the longest part, as it builds up to the climax, while the sustain and decay trail shortly behind. 


Movement is an object's shift in space that can be utilized to convey feelings. Successional movement leads viewers' eyes to one place. Oppositional movement works against this by contrasting movement, drawing the eye elsewhere. Stillness can be utilized to contrast movement as a whole. Movement follows the same format as sound, with an attack, a sustain, and a decay. During a movement's onset, it may recoil into the base of support, creating the illusion of realism. If an object's center of gravity is not reflected in its movement, it may feel artificial. Gestures are when just a part of a whole moves. Animated GIFs are repetitive animations, that often show isolated gestural movements. In film and video, movement can be shown with the camera. Many shots exhibit movement, such as pans, tilts, tracking shots, dolly shots, and zooms.

This is a GIF from my favorite video game, Sable. The whole game has constant movement in its environmental animations. I like this shot, because it shows off some of the game's fantastic colors, the environmental effects, and the motion of the protagonist and her clothing. This GIF shows how movement can be constant, even through animated effects such as this clip's abstract sand particles. The movement can be easily contrasted, then, with sudden stillness.


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