Elements of 4-D_Alyssa Stoughton


Measured time: actual, objective, or clock time. Measured time is measured by recurring events. Experienced time: subjective, psychological, or perceived time. Experienced time is measured by the significance of an event given to a person.

Running time: the total length of an live event or video piece. There is also plot time which is like story time or when a narrator starts talking. Biological time: a measure of time related to bodily functions. We take this time into consideration when we plan stuff because it all depends on if we are tired or hungry or anything else that we need to take time to do for ourselves. 

Series Tiempo:
 I like this piece because it tells a story. It uses biological time because it is focusing on what the body needs. This relates to 4-D because it's showing time. I have learned that even though it's the same person you can still make a story. 


    Synchronous sound: timed to their on-screen or designated performance space. An example of synchronous sound would be like a teapot whistling on stage. Nonsynchronous sound: something played on-screen or on stage without being visible. An example of nonsynchronous sound would be the teapot whistling, but you can't see it. Asynchronous sound: sound that does not match up with what we see. An example of asynchronous sound would be a teapot whistling when people are dancing. 
    Diegetic sound: actual sounds. Nondiegetic sound: is sound that is not real. Diegetic sounds are like voices of the characters and the sounds of the objects within the work. Nondiegetic sounds are like nonrealistic sounds like in cartoons. 
I love this are piece because I like the touch of color it brings the art piece to life and with the background being a place. It gives the viewer a place to picture with the sound it has on top of the place. I have learned that we can be as creative as we want with sound. 


Movement is a shift or variation of location of an object, light, or sound. Successional movement leads the eye in one direction. Oppositional movement contrasts this with a clash of forces that lead the eye in different directions.
The center of gravity is the center of mass in an environment of uniform gravity. Gestures are also known as isolation, which are movements by a part of a whole. tracking, also known as, dolly shot, in which the camera moves parallel to the ground. 

Unnamed painting: by Iris Scott
I love this painting because the more I look at it the more I think that the water is going to get on me. This is a great visual for movement in art because it looks like the water is actually moving. 


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