Element of 4D_ Carly


    This article is all about how time plays a big factor in art. Time can be perceived in many different things. Time can be affected by your emotions because depending on how you feel it can make the piece of art feel long are go fast. Time can also be affected by our bodies so how tired we feel or how hungry we feel, how awake we feel, etc. time can also be affected by running time, how long it takes for someone to get the story across for example the plot of a story. The movie might be 90 mins and it takes the whole 90 mins to get the plot across. So as you can see time is affected by so many different things and how others see it in your work of art

I like all of the colors and the story that it tells with all of the lines. It really makes you think about what is going on and where it is leading you to. This elements works in 4d art because of the fact that time allows you to really understand a piece. The more that you look at it the more that you can understand it and really get what it is trying to say to you. I learned that you don't always have to do a lot to artwork to make it special and meaningful. sometimes all you need is time and simplicity.


In this article, they are talking about a couple different theories.  One of the theories is that silence is also sound because most people associate it with death and loneliness. But silence is oftentimes one of the big sounds you can have because you hear your body moving, your breath, your heartbeat, and more. Another thing that they talk about is adjacent sounds. Often times in moves they show a scene but you hear something else happing you can't quite see it but you still know what is happening. Then you also have synchronous sounds, where you have the same sounds but it is being heard more than once. For example, 2 people saying the same thing at the same time. Sound can enhance and add so many things to a work of art. More than we know.

Daniel Hill 2016

I really like this piece of art because it shows the synchronous sounds in art. The more and more you look at this piece it tells you a story and they all aline and good and flow together. This element is important to 4d art because without it you would not be able to experience the artwork to its full potential without it you would be able to experience how sound plays a big part in how you feel about the artwork. This piece of artwork allows you to feel full, loud, and busy making you feel more included.


In this article, it talks about how movement can be seen from multiple different aspects. You can physically be moving or someone can watch you move, like in a play. But for example, if you point your finger at something across the room your eye will most likely follow to see what you are pointing at. Or even in a soccer game, you are moving with the ball to take it from the other opponents or keep it from them. Or you can stay in one spot and let the players come to you. However, movement can also be used in movies. For example, the camera that is filming the movie can move alongside the person acting like they are movie right beside them, making you as the viewer feel like you are walking alongside them. But they can also zoom in and zoom out making you also feel a different type of way as well. So moral of the story movement can add a lot to the work of art but stillness can also add a lot as well. 

Pia Männikkö - Déjà Vu (2008-11)

I like this artwork because it is capturing the movement of how someone might walk through this space and how they might act. this element is important in 4d art because of the fact that it gives the artwork life. It allows the viewer to feel how the person was feeling as they walk through the space. Without it, it would just be a space and a person in it and we wouldn't know why they were there or how they were feeling. Movement gives the artwork life and energy. However, the thing that I get from this piece of work is emotion because without the movement you don't know what is happing but with it, it gives it everything.


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